The Biggest Mistakes You’re Making With Your Dental Health

dentistrySo you brush your teeth every single day, and you make sure to visit your family dentist for dental cleanings on a regular basis — in other words, you’re thinking that you have a pretty good hold on keeping your teeth in good shape.

But the thing is there are tons of small ways you could be damaging your teeth without even realizing it. It’s common in the dentistry industry for patients to ask why their teeth don’t seem healthy enough, even though they’re taking all the important steps to clean them.

With that in mind, let’s take a quick look at some of the most common things that are secretly damaging your teeth:

  1. Whitening: Many people (around 88% of orthodontia patients) go to their family dentistry clinic for whitening procedures, and this is the best way to make sure that you aren’t overdoing it. Considering that around 32% of all adults are concerned about the look of their smile, it isn’t surprising that whitening products are some of the most popular dental products sold today. However, it’s important to make sure that you aren’t over-bleaching your teeth with multiple over-the-counter whitening products.
  2. Sodas and sports drinks: Everyone knows that candy causes cavities — that’s pretty much the first Dentistry 101 lesson you learn. You probably also know that sports drinks and sodas have a ton of sugar, which is bad for your health. But these drinks can also be bad for your teeth — sometimes even worse than candy! The sugary liquid washes over teeth and ends up drying on the surface, which can lead to tooth decay and more cavities. It’s no surprise that at least 92% of adults have had at least one cavity before!
  3. Too much brushing: Yep, it’s actually possible to brush your teeth too much or too vigorously. This can cause enamel to wear down — and once you lose your tooth enamel, it doesn’t grow back! Make sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild toothpastes, unless otherwise directed by your family dental clinic.

Now we’d like to hear from you — what mistakes have you been making with your dental health?